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    AGP video card must be fully inserted into the slot to be reliably functioning in your system.  If you can see any part of the AGP card's connector's metal outside of slot, it may not be fully inserted.


    When installing an AGP video card in Windows 95, you recieve
    an error stating that the display adapter is not configured correctly.


    This problem occurs with AGP video cards in Windows 95
    becasue the operating system does not have the proper support
    installed to allow it to use the AGP card.


    To correctly install an AGP video card in Windows 95, you will need to enable your USB
    ports in CMOS and to make sure the following items are installed:

    1. Windows 98 or Windows 95 OSR/2 with USB Support (or Windows 95 OSR/2.5)
    The USBSUPP.EXE update from Microsoft (found on your OSR/2.1 or OSR/2.5 CD)

    2. The latest Direct X 5.0 or 5.2 Drivers (found at The Microsoft Direct X Web Site)

    You MUST install the USBSUPP.EXE file and Direct X 5 or later in
    order to make your card functional. If you have an older version
    of Windows 95 that does not have USB Support, then you will
    need to obtain a newer version of the operating system.

    Items Affected:

    This bulletin reflects issues with ALL AGP graphics cards.

If your problem is not listed in this articles, you could use our local search engine to see if the information that you are looking for is located somewhere in the web site.

Last Update : 4/29/2003       

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